Wednesday, December 30, 2009

An audio everyone should hear

I was emailing an old friend today and came across this link to send him and his wife. This is from an amazing woman, Kerry Hasenbalg, that I had the opportunity to hear speak at a Christian Alliance for Oprhans conference that I attended a few years ago. I could not find the video for the web - but I did find the audio. My Husband thinks it is so good that he wants to make copies and send it to everyone he knows and even put it on the windshields of cars for those he does not know.

Year in Review - being faithful

Well this has been a year of amazing change and growth. Over the past year our family has grown from five people to seven people. We have learned to love in the midst of great trial, stress and frustration. We have ultimately grown stronger as a family and in our relationship with our Lord Jesus.

This year we have gone through significant financial struggles, shut down a business, started another company, faithfully trusted God and moved across the country - knowing no one - but a few acquaintances, struggled making friends and relationships.

Now we are stronger than ever as a family, we love spending time together and are together ALL the time - as Bill now works from home. It has been such a blessing and I don't think I would change any of the trials we have been through. As some of you know - when we grow closer to God, the enemy attacks harder. Well, here we are heading into another year and that is just what he is doing. I realize I am being vague - but let's just say he is fighting hard again. I know this is him because we have been obedient, we have changed our personal priorities and as a result our marriage and family are stronger than ever and so is our relationship with God - all things that the enemy can't stand.

So I have been living faithfully - by that I mean not stressing out, trusting that our new company will pull through and all will be fine. Until just the other day. I found myself praying saying that I believe and trust you God, I know you can and will take care of us and all things work for your glory and for the good of those who believe in you. Then in the next breath I was asking him to please restore our business to where it was and beyond just a few short weeks ago.

Then I asked myself as I heard myself say these things - what kind of faith is that - really "I have faith - but could you do this please?" Ugh! I am sure some of you can relate - just put your own issues in the blank.

Anyway - new topic - The kids are all doing great - we are loving the Nashville area. We are excited about homeschool and I am really enjoying it far more than I ever thought I would - especially considering that I said I would never homeschool. We are in our second year of homeschool and I find myself looking forward and planning many more years with them.

We had a great Christmas - although different from what we are used to. It was relaxing and nice - the kids had a great time.

Madelyn is a great little fashion designer and has decided to make that her career (at least for now). Maraya is just about the happiest, most joyful child I have ever met - of course we are still working through a few issues - but with huge and constant improvement. Jackson is quite a character and loves to make people laugh. He beats to his own drum and loves his siblings. He tells me that I am his favorite thing in the whole world. Carter has a huge heart and is so encouraging - yesterday after getting home from being lost trying to find a doctor's office - he told me "I knew you could do it Mommy". Zoe is a sweet little girl and currently wants to be a "baby doctor" she loves to pretend to take babies out and make sure they are ok.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas. I am making a goal to update my blog more often.